Episode 40 - An International Crisis
We've been talking Blursties for what seems like forever and now the results are finally in! If you missed our nominations, here's a link to Part 1 (with guest Christian Spicer of DLC Podcast fame) and Part 2. We break them down in this week's sode, but if you want to see the results yourself, here's a link. We also talked about games we fell out of love with and how they could win us back in Dear Game Devs.
Get your balanced meal of 3 bits and vegetables below:
For some inexplicable reason, this episode transformed into a League of Legends hateisode so if you aren't a fan of LoL, you're gonna love it.
And we're doing Listener Questions for this week's sode so get yours in! Hit us up on Facebook or Twitter (I'm not linking - there are like 50 social media buttons on this site) or send an email to 3bitgamershow@bwaymedia.com.